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Often times you watch youtubers or even read blog posts and the creator says “everything I learned, I learned from Youtube!”…usually in all sorts of different fields, but they’re almost NEVER specific in WHO they learned from, and what videos helped them most. I won’t go through specific videos but I will let you in on the Youtubers who’ve changed me the most and taught me the most as far as business and life is concerned.
First of all (and I promise this is relevant), let me tell you a bit about my own life situation so that you can get a glimpse of how helpful these Youtubers/videos have been for me.
I’ve been married to my incredible husband for the past 10 years (at the time I’m writing this) and we now have two small children (one 2 year old son and a 2 month old daughter). I live in a country where I don’t speak the language (I’m a Canadian expat) and we travel quite a bit as well. I’m also muslim as well so there’s many things that may not be feasible for me to follow out there.
Alright, now for the fun part (and this isn’t in any specific order, I’m just numbering them to help you keep track of how many there are (so if any of the people on this list see this — And I hope they do *fingers crossed*, #1 doesn’t necessarily mean they are my number one favourite because I binge watch every single person in this list!)

#1 Latasha James
So, Latasha James is someone I began watching….probably about a year or so ago and I’ve kept up with her content since! She’s the CEO of her own digital marketing agency and she’s an absolute BAWSE. She’s got a variety of videos on her channel from what a day in her life is like to proper tutorials of how to become a digital marketer and everything in between. Not only that but she’s also got some wicked courses. I’m personally taking her Freelance Social Media Management Roadmap course and absolutely LOVE it. I recommend it to anyone looking to start a business as a Social Media Manager. If you’re interested, click here. It’s one of the most affordable and in-depth social media courses I’ve ever taken (and keep coming back to) so definitely check it out if you’re looking to start a business in this field. But back to her channel, even if you don’t get her course, still check her out if you’re interested in what’s it’s like to run a business and if you want to learn about things like getting clients, social media, digital marketing etc…If you’re also interested, she’s also got a podcast that you can listen to if you’re on the go and don’t have the time to sit down and watch her videos. Here is the link to her channel.
#2 Ali Abdaal
If you’ve read my previous posts, you’ll know that I’m a HUGE fan of his. I just recently started watching his videos and absolutely cannot get enough! Ali is an ex doctor who now owns a stream of multiple businesses including creating notebooks, Youtube, courses, (in the process of) writing his own book, etc… I saw his videos in my recommended videos on Youtube but never really clicked on them until one day I couldn’t find anything else to watch and finally took the plunge…and haven’t looked back. Ali is a productivity guru with a quirky personality that (I feel) could get anyone addicted to his videos. He talks about everything from productivity to books he’s read to systems he uses and products he uses and loves. And having two small kids and a husband and home to take care of, anything I can learn about being more productive, I’ll take it in a heartbeat! Ali however has a multiple array of channels (and I’ve subbed to them all — as far as I know) so I’ll link them here: Ali Abdaal (main channel), Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal (Podcast channel), Ali’s Appendix (Miscellaneous channel). If you’re interested in learning about how to be a generally happier and more productive person then definitely check out his channels!

#3 Maggie Stara
Maggie Stara is one of my favourite people that I’ve “met” online. She is so genuinely sweet and helpful. She doesn’t post videos on youtube often but when she does they’re informative, fun and really helpful. I’ve had the honour of taking her Social media management classes and Canva classes on Udemy as well as Skillshare and usually people cut it off there but Maggie goes above and beyond for her students to the point that she actually builds relationships and friendships with them. Her videos revolve around digital marketing and social media specifically as well as content creation so if you’re interested in building an empire on social media, definitely check her out. Even if not her videos, I HIGHLY recommend her courses!
#4 Elizabeth Filips
Elizabeth is a Medical student and artist and now Youtuber. I found her channel through Ali Abdaal (obviously lol). She was previously his personal assistant and has now been promoted. I love her videos (and her accent is heart-capturing). Her videos also have similarities to Ali’s content however, Ali Abdaal is much more high-strung whereas Elizabeth has a more relaxing feeling to her content. Not only that but she’s acknowledged in a few of her videos that you can’t expect the same type of productivity from a single person who has free weekends and evenings and their only responsibility is themselves with someone who has a house full of kids and a family and work/business and needs to find the time in their day to actually be able to sit down and take a breath for 2 minutes (which got her A LOT of brownie points from me lol).

#5 By Sophia Lee Blogging
I found Sophia Lee by accident but I’m glad I did. I liked her so much that I even bought her course bundle (Perfecting Blogging and Perfecting Pinterest). Sophia actually has 2 channels however, being a blogger and writer myself, obviously her blogging channel resonated with me more but she also has a main channel here. She is a design expert who’s built a 6+ figure business while studying in university and is now a full time youtuber, blogger and design guru. On the blogging channel, she talks about her blogging experiences, her growing income, as well as advice for new bloggers looking to make a business out of their blog. Definitely one to check out if you’re looking to start your own blogging business!
#6 Gillian Perkins
I’ve been following Gillian for a long time now and she is actually one of the first people I started watching when this “working from home” bug bit me. Gillian is an entrepreneur, author, a mom, a youtuber, a business strategist, a coach to new entrepreneurs and so much more! Her videos are ALL about starting a business from interviewing her own team to teach her audience how to get into the field of their choice to teaching how to create a business from the ground up and everything in between. I like to compare her channel to an encyclopaedia for freelancers because she has such a variety of content all centered around working from home!
#7 Abbey Ashley
Abbey Ashley is the owner and CEO of the Virtual Savvy. She is a mom and a huge player in the online/freelancing world! Not only does she have her own courses but she’s built her business from the ground up and began working for herself as a virtual assistant. If you’re looking to start a VA business, then she is one to follow for sure. I haven’t had the opportunity to take any of her courses (yet) but I’ve been following her for quite a while and love her energy! She’s knowledgable but also makes watching her fun.
I hope that this has helped you discover someone/something new to help you on your journey
And if you liked this, then check out any of my previous posts or my latest one about dropshipping versus affiliate marketing here
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